Dog Health & Wellbeing

Your dog’s health and wellbeing should be your main concern as an owner. This category contains advice on everything from tackling fleas and infestations, to information regarding day-to-day health complaints. Of course, when it comes to the matter of your dog’s health, you should always consult your veterinarian first before taking action.

Best Fish Oil For Dogs

The Best Fish Oil for Dogs

Fish oil supplements can have wonderful effects on your dogs joint and coat health; we've hunted down the best to buy.

Dog Health & Wellbeing

Looking after your dog's health is the most important thing you can do for your best pal. Just like us, dogs can suffer from a seemingly endless array of issues. As always, all serious concerns should warrant a trip to the vet, however, taking care of day-to-day issues such as flea infestations and worms is something that can often be done at home.

Flea Collars for Dogs

It has to be said that some flea collars are pretty useless if your dog has already contracted a flea infestation. That's because most dog flea collars work to prevent infestations by repelling fleas before they get a chance to settle. Despite that, there are some extremely effective dog flea collars that allow the active ingredient to permeate the fat layer and remove existing infestations as well as prevent new ones. It's worth being sure you're buying a collar for the correct purpose, as some of them can cost quite a pretty penny.

Fish Oil Dog Supplements

Fish oil supplements have many of the same wonderful benefits in dogs as they do in humans. Improved joint health, healthier coat quality, improved cardiovascular health, and even reduced inflamation are all potential benefits that can be found by supplementing dogs with fish oil. Of course, all good things are only effective in moderation. Even the best fish oils for dogs need to be dosed responsibly, else you may see some pretty nasty side-effects.