If there’s one thing you can rely on as a dog owner, it’s having a huge choice of dog treats to consider buying. One of the more popular options is a dental chew. Dental chews are specifically designed to help clean your dog’s teeth.
Most dog owners either don’t bother brushing their dog’s teeth or only do so occasionally, perhaps once a week or so. Part of the reason for this is because most dogs don’t appreciate what you’re trying to do. The best way to brush your dog’s teeth is to start when they are a puppy. Introduce them to a doggy toothbrush and paste (don’t use human toothpaste as it can be harmful) and aim for just a few seconds of brushing. Follow that up with a treat and they’ll soon become more partial to brushing!
Are dental chews a good addition to a proper dental cleaning routine?

Yes, absolutely, and that’s the main point to remember. They shouldn’t be used instead of brushing your dog’s teeth but in addition to doing it. If you only take one thing away from reading this article, make sure it’s this.
Even if you don’t manage to reach and clean all parts of their teeth, anything is better than nothing. Most dogs do get used to it too. (There is such a thing as bacon-flavor dog toothpaste to help persuade them.)
How do dental chews work?
Most dogs love chewing things. Hopefully, this doesn’t extend to our slippers. Give them a good tough chew to enjoy and it can keep them occupied and engaged for some time.
The best dental chews for dogs are designed to encourage this natural behavior, and help clean the dog’s teeth without them even realizing it. You’ll notice the design of most chews is far from flat. They tend to be bumpy, knobbly, ridged, or all three. The idea is that when they chew them, the bumpy parts rub around their teeth, cleaning them and reducing tartar and dental plaque.
The chewing process also reduces the number of bacteria in your dog’s mouth. If you give them a chew every day, you should notice an improvement in their breath before too long. Bacteria leads to an increased risk of dental and gum disease, which in the end could result in teeth being removed.
Remember to reduce their daily kibble or tinned food if you introduce a daily dental treat into their routine. This ensures you won’t overfeed them.
Buying something to suit your dog
There are plenty of dental treats and chews on the market today. That’s good news for you and your dog, because you are sure to find something they’ll love. It’s wise to look at the ingredients to make sure there’s nothing there that might upset them. All-natural ingredients and a tough finish to encourage longer chewing are the most important things to look for.
You should also supervise your dog whenever you give them a dental chew. Some last far longer than others; some break into pieces very easily; chunks of a chew could potentially be swallowed whole once they reach a certain size. This can cause serious problems and obstructions. Monitor your dog to be on the safe side, and if only a small piece is left and they tend to swallow pieces that size, take it away.
In conclusion, doggy dental chews are a good addition to a regular teeth cleaning routine. You can buy them with added enzymes to help reduce bacteria and minty flavors to help improve bad breath. And if your dog loves them, they’ll certainly want you to continue buying them.
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